
Lucky 13!

Lucky 13!

Are you superstitious? I’m not.

The investigation I’ve done into “why is 13 considered unlucky” essentially reveals that it’s not. Unless you think it is. 

Enough postulation.

Why is "Lucky 13" the topic of this?

“Toddy Talks” is 13. Woop woop.

Here are 13 things to think about that you might be able to apply and or learn from. I have.


1)        Stuff happens. Deal with it. “This too shall pass”.

2)        Self-employment is liberating and demanding - all at once.

3)        There’s no such thing as “I don’t have time”. You have all the time there is.

4)        Relationships are important – and critical.

5)        Laughing is good for you.

6)        Looking after yourself physically helps in more ways than we realise.

7)        You either own a water filter or you are one.

8)        GST and provisional tax are real!

9)        We are wired to interact in person.

10)  We can learn something from everyone we meet.

11)  What’s easy to do is also easy not to do.

12)   Habits create outcomes – good or bad.

13)  2024 is as far from 1981 as 1938 was. Time flies!

14)  What if “umbrellas” were supposed to be called “brellas” but the person who named them hesitated?


Yes. There are 14 things listed not 13.


At Toddy Talks we like to under promise and over deliver.


Have a cracker of a day.



